Updated Dec. 18, 2024
Montgomery County officials on November 25, 2024 released an update on the County’s plans to overhaul its waste management systems over the next decade. The plans include enhanced recycling, food waste composting, and new processes and technologies to reduce the amount of garbage being burned in the trash incinerator in Dickerson.
SCA strongly supports the intent of this initiative and County leaders’ focus on making Montgomery County a national model of responsible and sustainable waste management—aiming for a “zero waste” (or at least a “much-less-waste”) system.
Regrettably, however, the County’s announcement included a plan to continue trash incineration in Dickerson for up to eight more years—rather than shutting the incinerator down in April 2026 as previously scheduled. County officials said they have authorized the Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority (an entity that manages the County’s waste disposal) to extend for five years (from April 2026 to April 2031) its contract with the private company Reworld (formerly known as Covanta), which operates the incinerator.
The announcement states that the County has the “option for early termination” of the contract. A planning timeline on the county website indicates, however, that decommissioning would not begin until 2030.
County officials say the reason for extending the contract is that trash incineration cannot be terminated until waste reduction strategies are substantially built-out and fully implemented.
We believe an alternative path exists, one that would allow the incinerator to be shuttered much sooner. This alternative path involves pivoting to hauling trash to an approved out-of-state landfill that meets strict environmental standards—even as the County more aggressively pursues trash volume reduction. According to two reports commissioned by the County Executive in recent years, such an approach would be less harmful and likely less costly.
We and other groups have requested that the County Council formally review and hold a public hearing on the contract extension.
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