January 10, 2024
The Montgomery County Council is now taking comments on a zoning proposal that would permit lodging facilities on farms in the Ag Reserve. The more people they hear from, the better.
SCA and other Ag Reserve farm and civic groups are OPPOSED to this proposal—Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 23-09. You can read all about it on our website here.
Please consider emailing council members this week. Their email addresses are below. Please cc or bcc info@sugarloafcitizens.org.
An in-person/zoom public hearing on the proposal is scheduled for Jan. 16, 7pm in Rockville. If you are interested in testifying, contact us at info@sugarloafcitizens.org.
Click below to view the email addresses.
Email Montgomery County Councilmembers:
Councilmember Friedson
Councilmember Balcombe
Councilmember Albornoz
Councilmember Katz
Councilmember Luedtke
Councilmember Fani-Gonzalez
Councilmember Jawando
Councilmember Mink
Councilmember Stewart
Councilmember Sayles
Councilmember Glass